I'm Asked A LOT.."Do you Have Someone who..." Yes!, and I've Updated my List
Nearly every day I get calls from customers needing a service provider for things around the house. If you have not already done so, Please check out my Absoluely FREE app
It's a list of all types of service providers like plumbers, electricians, A/C techs, Carpenters, even real estate attorneys!
Super easy to use too! Just type in what you're looking for. *Every business on my list has been referred by the Polk and Lakeland Business leader forum and/or I have personally used (and loved) their service!
On some, I put my personal notes as to my "favs".
In case you're wondering..No, I do not "get" anything in return from these vendors for having them on my list..It's just my way of giving back to the community I love so! ~ Enjoy!, and please share the app.
And if you know a service provider who would like be considered to be put on the list, please share
Oh, and if you do not see a service provider that you are looking for..Just call me! My resources are endless :)
Kind regards,
Lisa Kelly