Time to Downsize?-8 Tips to Get you Started
Whether you need to simplify your lifestyle, cut costs, to be closer to grandchildren, or to address medical needs...Most seniors know when the time is right to downsize..
Or how I like to refer to as “Rightsizing”.
For some, this may be a stressful process — both emotionally and physically.
But it doesn’t have to get overwhelming. Today, I’m going to share my top 8 tips to make ‘Rightsizing’ a whole lot easier for both You and your loved ones. So let’s get started...
1. Start Early
Give yourself plenty of time for this process. It’s going to take longer than you probably expect. Be gentle with yourself, and don’t even attempt to go through your entire house in a week.
A month is more realistic.
If you aren’t rushed, this process will be much less stressful.
Hi, I’m Lisa Kelly Lakeland Homes and Lifestyles with Premier Realty.
2. Start Small
Now that you’ve given yourself permission to take this slow..Where do you begin?
Take one room at a time.. But don’t start in a large room or room that has any emotional attachment.
Instead start off small.
The laundry room or linen closets are good options. Definitely leave the garage and attic for last.
Be realistic about your needs as you go through your things.
For example, If you’re moving into a two-bedroom house, four sets of sheets should be plenty. The rest can go.
3. Eliminate rooms you won’t have in your new home
Your next step is to eliminate rooms you will not have in your new home.
If you’re moving to a condo or an apartment, for example, you might not have a garage or office space.
Nearly everything in those spaces will need to be sold, donated, tossed, or relocated to other rooms.
These areas might also be good items for consignment . Nice office furniture and outdoor tools are more valuable than older sofas or mattresses.
4. Get Rid of Duplicates
If you’re like me I have way too many spatulas, 9 different stock pots and every size cookie sheet you can imagine.
Now is the time to reduce the clutter.
If you feel you just don’t want to get rid of that nice roasting pan because that’s what you cook the 25 pound turkey in, consider giving it to a child or grandchild who can bring it over for the holiday and take it home when they leave.
5. Only make Yes or No piles — no Maybes!
When you’re going through years of belongings, some things are going to tug at your heartstrings, and you’ll be tempted to make a third pile of things to keep if you have space.
Be strong! Don’t fall for it!! You’ll end up with a Maybe pile that’s bigger than either of the other two.
The idea here is to keep moving forward. If you need to take a break..Take a break..But don’t make a 3rd pile.
And please don’t fool yourself by saying you’ll take certain items with and just deal with it at the new house..That won’t happen.
Take a hard look at every item you pick up. It goes it the Yes or No pile. Period.
6. Reduce Collections- Creatively
You’re not going to have room in your new home for your large curio cabinets that have all your figurine collectibles, or a lifetime of porcelain dolls.
So here’s an idea how to keep your collectibles and still share the memories they hold:
Have high resolution photos taken of your collection and have these photos made into a photo book. Display this book on your coffee table so you and your guests can enjoy the stories each holds...Without the clutter.
If you’d like a step by step, detailed plan how to Declutter Your Entire Home in 30 days, check out my 3 part series. I break these steps down to easy to follow, daily tasks any one can do!
7. Consider Gifting Heirlooms early
Do you have a huge grandfather clock or maybe an antique china collection you have plans to hand down to a family member or loved one?
Consider giving those gifts now.
This has two benefits: you’ll get the items out of our way, PLUS you’ll be able to enjoy the feeling of giving those items to your loved ones now.
8. Allow some time to Reminisce
I know for some of you, these tips may seem like there is no consideration for nostalic and sentimental items.. Which brings me to my last tip:
Give yourself all the time you need to reminisce as you’re cleaning and sorting.
It’s OK to pause and let nostalgia take over. Cry if you need to. Move to another room and come back.
That’s why my #1 Tip was to start early...Just don’t allow these pauses prevent you from getting the job done.
Change is hard for everyone! Don’t let the apprehension get you down.
Instead, Look forward to your new environment as an adventure and new chapter in your life. Just think how much simpler life will be with fewer surfaces to dust, rooms to vacuum, or towels to wash!
If you’re in the very beginning thoughts of Rightsizing and curious what is available in 55+ communities located in the Greater Lakeland area, I put a link in the description..Enjoy!
I’m Lisa Kelly...Until then, I’ll see you on the next one.
Here's a handy Cost of Living Comparison worksheet:
Cost Of Living Guide
If you’d like Lots more Information about our Greater Lakeland Area and the surrounding cities in Polk County..head over to my website at LisaKellySells.com
Check Out my Relocation Guide http://bit.ly/WelcomeToGreaterLakeland